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About Us

The Pechanga Band created their Child & Family Services Department and Tribal Court to:

  • Preserve and strengthen the unity of the Pechanga Indian family
  • Preserve and strengthen each child’s Pechanga Tribal, cultural or ethnic identity whenever possible
  • Take actions that may be necessary to prevent the abuse, neglect or abandonment of children
  • Provide services for children and families with an emphasis on early intervention, prevention, and community based alternatives
  • Secure the rights and ensure fairness to children, parents and guardians that come before the Court
  • Provide a non-adversarial forum for culturally appropriate resolution of child and family welfare issues coming before the Tribal Court

All reports made to Pechanga Child & Family Services are Confidential. If you suspect child abuse and or neglect and would like to make a report you may do so anonymously by calling (951) 770-6106.

If you are a Mandated Reporter please click here to access the mandated reporter form. You can email the form or fax to our confidential fax (951) 693-5543
