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Pechanga Child & Family Services Relative & Foster Caregiver Training


National Training and Development Curriculum goes deeper than many traditional training programs. The curriculum provides transformative experiences for families embracing children with backgrounds of trauma, separation, and loss. We’ve infused adult learning theory, self-directed learning, transformative learning, and a layered curriculum approach into every aspect of our program.

  • Expanding the Parenting Paradigm
  • Relatable for Families
  • Trauma-Informed
  • Current/Modern
  • Culturally Relevant;
  • Flexible/Multi-Use

Curriculum Components

The National Training and Development Curriculum has three components, all of which are equally important in providing families with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need in order to effectively parent children who have experienced trauma, separation, and loss. These components include a Self-Assessment, Classroom-Based Training, and Right-Time Training.



The National Training and Development Curriculum Self-Assessment is a self-discovery tool that provides families who are preparing to become foster, kinship, or adoptive parents the opportunity to learn more about themselves as they consider the characteristics and competencies that are important when parenting children who have experienced trauma, separation, and loss. It is designed to be self-administered, which allows the participant to recognize and build on their areas of strength, explore areas that would benefit from additional support and information, and identify areas that may cause the most challenge when parenting a child/youth. The Self-Assessment characteristics and competencies are highlighted throughout the NTDC, which supports the continuation of learning beyond the Self-Assessment completion.

The home assessment includes a walk-through of the home to ensure all safety needs are met. The home assessment includes 3 face to face interviews. The next step is a written report. The written report includes a family social study. Once completed you will be a trained and approved placement for native children in the community.

Classroom-Based Training


The Classroom-Based Training themes provide a framework to build a strong foundation for parenting children who have experienced trauma, separation, and loss. Parenting children with such experiences requires a wide range of competencies and characteristics, which can be enhanced or built. Through shared learning with others who are parenting through foster care or adoption, and with the facilitation of an experienced professional and parent team, we believe that families can provide the healing environment children need. Each Classroom-Based Training theme has clearly delineated competencies. The training provides concrete information on the roles and responsibilities of parents who foster and/or adopt as well as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need in order to effectively parent children who have experienced trauma, separation, and loss.

Right-Time Training


Recognizing that adults learn best when the information is applicable to their own situation, the National Training and Development Curriculum has created a component of the curriculum called Right-Time Training. Parents who are fostering and adopting need training that is easily accessible and available when they need it. Training is important when parents are first starting the journey, but ongoing learning is just as important. As families have children move into their homes, as children go through different developmental stages, and as families encounter new challenges, they will need to have a way to access information and tools. The Right-Time Training was designed to meet this need. It is not intended to replace in-person training and seminars that are offered locally; rather, it should supplement this information and provide families with a tool that enables them to access the information they want when they want it.

Please email or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in participating This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or 951-770-6106

video Click here to view the National Training and Development Curriculum video


CFS CareGiver

Relative Caregiver and Foster Caregiver Orientation

Have you ever thought about becoming a Relative Caregiver or Foster Caregiver for Pechanga youth?

You can contact Pechanga Child and Family Services 951-770-6106 or email Cindy Rodriguez at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..