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Silver Feathers

Pechanga elders carry, share and guide the accomplishments of the Pechanga Band with their wisdom. Our elders have an organization known as the Silver Feathers, with a facility to serve them. This is the place where enrolled Pechanga tribal members over the age of 55 may come and join other tribal elders.



The Pechanga Silver Feathers operate with their own representative elected board. Silver Feathers are involved in many activities supporting and enhancing our own community, neighboring tribes (traveling close or far away), and our nonnative neighbors. Silver Feathers host functions at Pechanga, provide Meals on Wheels to nearby tribal and non-tribal elders, and make vital contributions to the knowledge and success of Pechanga youth.

Our elders have a beautiful facility called Silver Feather Hall, located on tribal land in Temecula, CA. The Silver Feather Hall provides a variety of classes, and hosts social events, various meetings and functions. Daily, Silver Feather Hall provides a cafeteria where people from the tribe are able to come and enjoy lunch.

Pechanga Tribal government funds from various economic endeavors including the new Pechanga Resort & Casino, assure support for Silver Feather Hall and Silver Feathers' activities.

Silver Feathers gather together for events, travel, and education. They also gather together to create Pechanga's Christmas Party and to participate in many inter-tribal events. Pechanga Silver Feathers have been diligent in their efforts in providing for all our Pechanga elders.